Hi there, that's me over in the upper right hand corner. See how easy following those spacial directions were? We already know how to do that. We will gradually stretch that skill in more ways than most individuals can imagine.
Learning to create visual intent and placing that feel of operation on automatic is a more profound and fundamental process than even most artists are aware of. Pay close attention to the 'feel' of these explorations. That 'feel' once trained to the point of being an internal habit easily becomes highly adjustable according to clear intentions.
Remember, we are playing with the seriousness of a two year old, or a kitten, or a puppy. Profound Applications may result, but enthusiasm for the simple elements is the foundation for flow and ease of learning.
Be totally forgiving of the efforts of self and others in the Quick Sketch frame of mind. Stress and worry kills enthusiasm very quickly, even in advance.
Using the illustration above as reference, draw a couple of dots on a piece of paper. OK, start relaxing as completely as possible. Place a marker lightly on either of the dots. Don't lift the marker off the paper. Clear your mind and emotions of everything. Think of nothing and feel nothing negative. Look intently at the other dot. Even try looking at the center of the dot.
Without thinking about anything quickly place your marker on the other dot. Place some more dots. conscientiously establish the concentrated clear intent and draw more lines. Surprised?
What can we do with this?
What can we do with linear intent on automatic? Here are some examples that most people have probably taken beyond this first step. This shows you very simply how automatic quick sketch can be. Many people can draw these simple forms on automatic. Doing so is already several steps along the process. Draw each multiple times and whatever others might come to mind. Pay attention to how it 'feels' to draw these shapes with nothing but the intention to do so. This is the state that we are trying to intentionally develop. It eventually makes quick sketch that easy.
The Quick Sketch System suggests strongly that we go back and explore those steps that you already taught yourself naturally. Each of them can be explored and developed extensively. Insight into these abilities will be lost (as it has been so far) if they are glossed over. There are also many others that may be cursorily used and not developed. Each of them have potentially far reaching consequences for your life and in the building of your mind. These potential insights and skills are invisible like everything one is unaware of. The principled leverages may be unused for the rest of one's life without ever being aware of the loss.
The conceptual brain often cons us into thinking this is way too simple for a highly trained person to be messing with. Your conceptual brain didn't do the location of my picture in the corner, it just followed the conceptual directions very skillfully. Highly practiced coordination with the visual areas of the brain made it easy and natural. This is a small example of what we mean when we say that one part of your brain or even just the whole brain by itself is not as valuable as using the whole integrated self. We are highly trained and coordinated in ways that few of us are aware of.
Starting with deceptively simple explorations we will generate surprising and important results. Most educated people have heard that establishing a clear intent or purpose and repeating often in various forms increases the probability that the objective will be accomplished and speeds the process. This is one of many of Art's Life Lessons. It may be familiar from other areas you have pursued but it is pervasive because it is the way your brain/mind works. Visual intention is one of many examples of this mental principle. It is also one of the easiest to demonstrate and expand rapidly.